Light of the World And God said. “Let there be light.” God spoke light into being! He created the heavens and the earth, seemingly out of nothing, and then as He was hovering over the expanse, He decided to create light. Now we think… Read more
Dwells With Us Your steadfast love endures forever. You watch over our lives, never taking your eyes off us. You never age or grow weak. You are our constant companion, in good times and in those of suffering, loneliness and want. In times… Read more
Joy to the World “Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King!” Notice how later verses of this favorite carol say, “let heaven and nature sing” and then later, “while fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains repeat the… Read more
Advent We are in the season of Advent when we prepare our hearts to receive the gift of Christ on Christmas. Many churches light a candle each week until the Christ candle is lit for Christmas. Different denominations use different candles… Read more
Thankful We just past Thanksgiving, one of America’s favorite holidays. Loved because we gather to eat and eat and eat and then watch football. We have much to be thankful for this year, despite the virus. Many of us have rediscovered… Read more
Curiosity Curiosity killed the cat...but satisfaction brought him back. What is curiosity? In the natural world, it’s deepening your understanding of what is around you by asking questions about something with which you are unfamiliar. Children have it in abundance because… Read more