When wandering in the woods, I am often struck by the unusual shapes of the trees and wildflowers. It tells me that the Lord has a touch of whimsy in his nature. I thought I’d share some of these treasures so you can look while you walk or hike. You don’t have to be in the woods to enjoy this pastime. Some you can observe right in your yard.
On a recent saunter about my garden, I encountered this bird’s nest. I guess the bird must have thought the piece of plastic was like paper. Little did she know it was also waterproofing!
While in the woods, twice I’ve come across tree trunks that simply made me smile. The first is in the nature preserve nearby. I had gone off the beaten path to examine something, and I came upon this wonderful tree. If I encounter a bear, this would be my preference.
Another time while hiking a trail in the mountains, I found a tree that looked like a dinosaur in the forest.
Sometimes in life, the wind brings a treasure from the sky. This little guy was on the path. Maybe a scampering beaver or a hedgehog made from a lichen that had fallen on the pathway? I thought it might scoot out of my way as it appeared to be in such a hurry. Its tail was flying in the wind.
Some of my favorite treasures come in the fall and winter when the milkweed pods split open, displaying their silky seeds. It makes me think of the little gnomes who hide in the woods with pointed hats and beards. The silk of the seed is so soft. If I were a bird, I’d be out gathering it for my winter nest!
In the spring, I am looking for tiny wildflowers, some that bloom for short periods of time. One of the early appearances is the wild ginger, whose flowers resemble little brownish red jugs. Peel back the dead leaves that cover the forest floor. Look for the spot where the stems sprout and you will find them. Not every plant is mature enough to display them. But I look forward to their appearance every year and the challenge of finding them.
Some trees have faces that remind me of Tolkien’s Ents that lived in the enchanted forest. I love their faces and almost expect them to speak their mind to me as I pass. Here are a few, including a one-eyed monster!
We know the Lord loves His creation as He often speaks of the lilies of the field that don’t sow or reap. He talks about the trees, clapping their hands in praise. And we hear in several passages that His voice is like the mighty waters, probably like the roar of a waterfall.
He created the trees not only for us but also for a host of creatures that call the trees their home. I’m not a fan of squirrels, rabbits or deer as they raid my garden and bird feeder every chance they get. But you must admit their fluffy tails and white cotton tails add a touch of whimsy.
The next time you venture forth, look for what you can find that is whimsical. Send me your photos and maybe we will do another blog! I’m sure the Lord smiles when we encounter these treasures. And he also smiles when we recognize His presence in our lives, obey His commands and do what gives Him pleasure. It’s always good to fill your life with such things. And someday, we will see a smile on His face as He welcomes us into our new home in heaven.
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
Isaiah 55: 12 NIV